Enumeration Base58AddressFormatVersion

Base58 version byte values for common Base58Address format (A.K.A. "Base58Check") versions.

Enumeration Members

p2pkh: 0

A Pay to Public Key Hash (P2PKH) address – base58 encodes to a leading 1.

Hex: 0x00

p2pkhCopayBCH: 28

A Pay to Public Key Hash (P2PKH) address intended for use on the Bitcoin Cash network – base58 encodes to a leading C. This version was temporarily used by the Copay project before the CashAddress format was standardized.

Hex: 0x1c

p2pkhTestnet: 111

A testnet Pay to Public Key Hash (P2PKH) address – base58 encodes to a leading m or n.

Hex: 0x6f

p2sh20: 5

A 20-byte Pay to Script Hash (P2SH20) address – base58 encodes to a leading 3.

Hex: 0x05

p2sh20CopayBCH: 40

A 20-byte Pay to Script Hash (P2SH20) address intended for use on the Bitcoin Cash network – base58 encodes to a leading H. This version was temporarily used by the Copay project before the CashAddress format was standardized.

Hex: 0x28

p2sh20Testnet: 196

A testnet 20-byte Pay to Script Hash (P2SH20) address – base58 encodes to a leading 2.

Hex: 0xc4

wif: 128

A private key in Wallet Import Format. For private keys used with uncompressed public keys, the payload is 32 bytes and causes the version to be encoded as a 5. For private keys used with compressed public keys, a final 0x01 byte is appended to the private key, increasing the payload to 33 bytes, and causing the version to be encoded as a K or L.

Hex: 0x80

wifTestnet: 239

A private key in Wallet Import Format intended for testnet use. For private keys used with uncompressed public keys, the payload is 32 bytes and causes the version to be encoded as a 9. For private keys used with compressed public keys, a final 0x01 byte is appended to the private key, increasing the payload to 33 bytes, and causing the version to be encoded as a c.

Hex: 0xef

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