Enumeration HdKeyVersion

The 4-byte version indicating the network and type of an HdPrivateKey or HdPublicKey.

Enumeration Members

mainnetPrivateKey: 76066276

Version indicating the HD key is an HdPrivateKey intended for use on the main network. Base58 encoding at the expected length of an HD key results in a prefix of xprv.

Hex: 0x0488ade4

mainnetPublicKey: 76067358

Version indicating the HD key is an HdPrivateKey intended for use on the main network. Base58 encoding at the expected length of an HD key results in a prefix of xpub.

Hex: 0x0488b21e

testnetPrivateKey: 70615956

Version indicating the HD key is an HdPrivateKey intended for use on the test network. Base58 encoding at the expected length of an HD key results in a prefix of tprv.

Hex: 0x04358394

testnetPublicKey: 70617039

Version indicating the HD key is an HdPrivateKey intended for use on the test network. Base58 encoding at the expected length of an HD key results in a prefix of tpub.

Hex: 0x043587cf

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