Function cashAddressPolynomialModulo

  • Perform the CashAddress polynomial modulo operation, which is based on the Bech32 polynomial modulo operation, but the returned checksum is 40 bits, rather than 30.

    A.K.A. PolyMod


    • v: number[]

      Array of 5-bit integers over which the checksum is to be computed.

    Returns number


    Notes from C++ implementation: This function will compute what 8 5-bit values to XOR into the last 8 input values, in order to make the checksum 0. These 8 values are packed together in a single 40-bit integer. The higher bits correspond to earlier values.

    The input is interpreted as a list of coefficients of a polynomial over F = GF(32), with an implicit 1 in front. If the input is [v0,v1,v2,v3,v4], that polynomial is v(x) = 1x^5 + v0x^4 + v1x^3 + v2x^2 + v3*x + v4. The implicit 1 guarantees that [v0,v1,v2,...] has a distinct checksum from [0,v0,v1,v2,...].

    The output is a 40-bit integer whose 5-bit groups are the coefficients of the remainder of v(x) mod g(x), where g(x) is the cashaddr generator, x^8

    • [19]*x^7 + [3]*x^6 + [25]*x^5 + [11]*x^4 + [25]*x^3 + [3]*x^2 + [19]*x
    • [1]. g(x) is chosen in such a way that the resulting code is a BCH code, guaranteeing detection of up to 4 errors within a window of 1025 characters. Among the various possible BCH codes, one was selected to in fact guarantee detection of up to 5 errors within a window of 160 characters and 6 errors within a window of 126 characters. In addition, the code guarantee the detection of a burst of up to 8 errors.

    Note that the coefficients are elements of GF(32), here represented as decimal numbers between []. In this finite field, addition is just XOR of the corresponding numbers. For example, [27] + [13] = [27 ^ 13] = [22]. Multiplication is more complicated, and requires treating the bits of values themselves as coefficients of a polynomial over a smaller field, GF(2), and multiplying those polynomials mod a^5 + a^3 + 1. For example, [5] * [26] = (a^2 + 1) * (a^4 + a^3 + a) = (a^4 + a^3 + a) * a^2 + (a^4 + a^3 + a) = a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a = a^3 + 1 (mod a^5 + a^3 + 1) = [9].

    During the course of the loop below, c contains the bit-packed coefficients of the polynomial constructed from just the values of v that were processed so far, mod g(x). In the above example, c initially corresponds to 1 mod (x), and after processing 2 inputs of v, it corresponds to x^2 + v0*x + v1 mod g(x). As 1 mod g(x) = 1, that is the starting value for c.

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