Type alias ChainSnapshot

ChainSnapshot: Omit<IdentitySnapshot, "migrated" | "token"> & {
    token: {
        decimals?: number;
        symbol: string;

A snapshot of the metadata for a particular chain/network at a specific time. This allows for registries to provide similar metadata for each chain's native currency unit (name, description, symbol, icon, etc.) as can be provided for other registered tokens.

Type declaration

  • token: {
        decimals?: number;
        symbol: string;

    A data structure indicating how the chain's native currency units should be displayed in user interfaces.

    • Optional decimals?: number

      An integer between 0 and 18 (inclusive) indicating the divisibility of the primary unit of this native currency.

      This is the number of digits that can appear after the decimal separator in currency amounts. For a currency with a symbol of SYMBOL and a decimals of 2, an amount of 12345 should be displayed as 123.45 SYMBOL.

      If omitted, defaults to 0.

    • symbol: string

      An abbreviation used to uniquely identity this native currency unit.

      Symbols must be comprised only of capital letters, numbers, and dashes (-). This can be validated with the regular expression: /^[-A-Z0-9]+$/.

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