Type alias DecodedCashAddressNonStandard

DecodedCashAddressNonStandard: {
    payload: Uint8Array;
    prefix: string;
    typeBits: CashAddressAvailableTypeBits;

Type declaration

  • payload: Uint8Array

    The payload of the CashAddress. For P2PKH, the public key hash; for P2SH, the redeem bytecode hash.

  • prefix: string

    The prefix before the colon (:) indicating the network associated with this CashAddress (usually a CashAddressNetworkPrefix). Note that the CashAddress checksum encodes the prefix in a case-insensitive way.

  • typeBits: CashAddressAvailableTypeBits

    The type bit of the version byte; an integer between 0 and 15 (inclusive).

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