Type alias HdPrivateNodeInvalid

HdPrivateNodeInvalid: HdNodeBase & {
    invalidMaterial: Uint8Array;

An invalid private node in a Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) key tree. This is almost impossibly rare in a securely-random 32-byte Uint8Array (probability less than 1 in 2^127).

If this occurs during derivation from a seed, the error should be handled and a different seed should be used. If this occurs during HD derivation, BIP32 standardizes the procedure for skipping the offending key material by using the next child index. I.e. the node ultimately derived at the invalid child index is a duplicate of the node derived at index + 1.

Type declaration

  • invalidMaterial: Uint8Array

    The 32-byte derivation result that caused this node to be invalid (either an invalid Secp256k1 private key or a tweak value which causes the resulting key to be invalid). This is almost impossibly rare in a securely-random 32-byte Uint8Array (probability less than 1 in 2^127).

    See validateSecp256k1PrivateKey for details.

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