Type alias NftCategory

NftCategory: {
    description?: string;
    fields?: NftCategoryField;
    parse: ParsableNftCollection | SequentialNftCollection;

A definition specifying the non-fungible token information for a token category.

Type declaration

  • Optional description?: string

    A string describing how this identity uses NFTs (for use in user interfaces). Descriptions longer than 160 characters may be elided in some interfaces.


    • "ACME DEX NFT order receipts are issued when you place orders on the decentralized exchange. After orders are processed, order receipts can be redeemed for purchased tokens or sales proceeds.";
    • "ACME Game collectable NFTs unlock unique playable content, user avatars, and item skins in ACME Game Online."; etc.
  • Optional fields?: NftCategoryField

    A mapping of field identifier to field definitions for the data fields that can appear in NFT commitments of this category.

    Categories including only sequential NFTs (where parse.bytecode is undefined) should omit fields (or set to undefined).

  • parse: ParsableNftCollection | SequentialNftCollection

    Parsing and interpretation information for all NFTs of this category; this enables generalized wallets to parse and display detailed information about all NFTs held by the wallet, e.g. BCH Pledged, Order Price, Seat Number, Asset Number, IPFS Content Identifier, HTTPS URL, etc.

    Parsing instructions are provided in the bytecode property, and the results are interpreted using the types property.

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