Type alias SigningSerializationTransactionComponentsBCH

SigningSerializationTransactionComponentsBCH: {
    locktime: number;
    transactionOutpoints: Uint8Array;
    transactionOutputs: Uint8Array;
    transactionSequenceNumbers: Uint8Array;
    transactionUtxos: Uint8Array;
    version: number;

The signing serialization components that are shared between all of the inputs in a transaction.

Type declaration

  • locktime: number

    A time or block height at which the transaction is considered valid (and can be added to the block chain). This allows signers to create time-locked transactions that may only become valid in the future.

  • transactionOutpoints: Uint8Array

    A.K.A. the serialization for hashPrevouts

    The signing serialization of all input outpoints. (See BIP143 or Bitcoin Cash's Replay Protected Sighash spec for details.)

  • transactionOutputs: Uint8Array
  • transactionSequenceNumbers: Uint8Array
  • transactionUtxos: Uint8Array

    A.K.A. the serialization for hashUtxos

    The signing serialization of all UTXOs spent by the transaction's inputs (concatenated in input order).

  • version: number

    The transaction's version.

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