Type alias WalletTemplateScenarioBytecode

WalletTemplateScenarioBytecode: string | {
    overrides?: WalletTemplateScenarioData;
    script?: string | ["copy"];

A type that describes the configuration for a particular locking or unlocking bytecode within a wallet template scenario.

Bytecode may be specified as either a hexadecimal-encoded string or an object describing the required compilation.

For sourceOutputs and transaction.inputs, defaults to { script: ["copy"], overrides: {} }. For transaction.outputs, defaults to { script: ["copy"], overrides: { "hdKeys": { "addressIndex": 1 } } }.

Type declaration

  • Optional overrides?: WalletTemplateScenarioData

    Scenario data that extends the scenario's top-level data during script compilation.

    Each property is extended individually – to modify a property set by the top-level scenario data, the new value must be listed here.

    Defaults to {} for sourceOutputs and transaction.inputs; defaults to { "hdKeys": { "addressIndex": 1 } } for transaction.outputs.

  • Optional script?: string | ["copy"]

    The identifier of the script to compile when generating this bytecode. May also be set to ["copy"], which is automatically replaced with the identifier of the locking or unlocking script under test, respectively.

    If undefined, defaults to ["copy"].

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