Type alias WalletTemplateScriptUnlocking

WalletTemplateScriptUnlocking: WalletTemplateScript & {
    ageLock?: string;
    estimate?: string;
    fails?: string[];
    invalid?: string[];
    passes?: string[];
    timeLockType?: "height" | "timestamp";
    unlocks: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional ageLock?: string

    TODO: not yet implemented

    The minimum input age required for this unlocking script to become valid.

    This value is provided as a CashAssembly script that must compile to the least significant 3 bytes of the minimum sequence number required for this unlocking script to be valid (the "type bit" and the 2-byte "value" – see BIP68 for details). This script has access to all other template scripts and variables, but cyclical references will produce an error at compile time.

    In supporting wallets, this value can be computed at address creation time, and the remaining time for which any UTXO remains "age-locked" can be displayed in user interfaces (by parsing the "type bit" and "value" as described in BIP68).

    Note, because the precise value used by OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY can be provided in the unlocking script, it is trivial to create an unlocking script for which a proper value for ageLock is not possible to determine until the spending transaction is prepared. These cases are intentionally out-of-scope for this property. Instead, ageLock should only be used for unlocking scripts where the expected value can be compiled at address creation time.

  • Optional estimate?: string

    The identifier of the scenario to use for this unlocking script when compiling an estimated transaction.

    Using estimate scenarios, it's possible for wallet software to compute an "estimated transaction", an invalid transaction that is guaranteed to be the same byte length as the final transaction. This length can be used to calculate the required transaction fee and assign values to the transaction's change output(s). Because estimate scenarios provide "estimated" values for all variables, this estimation can be done by a single entity without input from other entities.

    If not provided, the default scenario will be used for estimation. The default scenario only provides values for each Key and HdKey variable, so compilations requiring other variables will produce errors. See WalletTemplateScenario.extends for details.

  • Optional fails?: string[]

    A list of the scenario identifiers that – when used to compile this unlocking script and the script it unlocks – result in bytecode that fails program verification.

    These scenarios can be used to test this script in development and review.

  • Optional invalid?: string[]

    A list of the scenario identifiers that – when used to compile this unlocking script and the script it unlocks – result in a compilation error.

    These scenarios can be used to test this script in development and review.

  • Optional passes?: string[]

    A list of the scenario identifiers that – when used to compile this unlocking script and the script it unlocks – result in bytecode that passes program verification.

    These scenarios can be used to test this script in development and review.

  • Optional timeLockType?: "height" | "timestamp"

    The expected type of time locks in this script.

    Because OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY reads from a transaction's locktime property, every input to a given transaction must share the same time lock type. This differs from OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY in that each input has its own sequenceNumber, so compatibility is not required.

    If a transaction includes multiple inputs using scripts with timeLockType defined, and the types are not compatible, generation should fail.

    The timestamp type indicates that the transaction's locktime is provided as a UNIX timestamp (the locktime value is greater than or equal to 500000000).

    The height type indicates that the transaction's locktime is provided as a block height (the locktime value is less than 500000000).

    If timeLockType is undefined, the script is assumed to have no reliance on absolute time locks.

  • unlocks: string

    The identifier of the script that can be unlocked by this script.

    The presence of the unlocks property indicates that this script is an unlocking script, and the script it unlocks must be a locking script.

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