Type alias SigningSerializationComponentsBCH

SigningSerializationComponentsBCH: SigningSerializationTransactionComponentsBCH & {
    correspondingOutput: Uint8Array | undefined;
    outpointIndex: number;
    outpointTransactionHash: Uint8Array;
    outputTokenPrefix: Uint8Array;
    outputValue: Uint8Array;
    sequenceNumber: number;

All signing serialization components for a particular transaction input.

Type declaration

  • correspondingOutput: Uint8Array | undefined
  • outpointIndex: number

    The index (within the previous transaction) of the outpoint being spent by this input.

  • outpointTransactionHash: Uint8Array

    The hash/ID of the transaction from which the outpoint being spent by this input originated.

  • outputTokenPrefix: Uint8Array

    The encoded token prefix of the output being spent (see encodeTokenPrefix).

    If the output includes no tokens, a zero-length Uint8Array.

  • outputValue: Uint8Array

    The 8-byte Uint64LE-encoded value of the output being spent in satoshis (see bigIntToBinUint64LE).

  • sequenceNumber: number

    The sequenceNumber associated with the input being validated. See Input.sequenceNumber for details.

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