Enumeration HdNodeDerivationError

An error in the derivation of child HD public or private nodes.

Enumeration Members

childIndexExceedsMaximum: "HD node derivation error: child index exceeds maximum (4294967295)."
hardenedDerivationRequiresPrivateNode: "HD node derivation error: derivation for hardened child indexes (indexes greater than or equal to 2147483648) requires an HD private node."
invalidAbsoluteDerivationPath: "HD node derivation error: invalid absolute derivation path; path must begin with \"m\" or \"M\" and contain only positive child index numbers, separated by forward slashes (\"/\"), with zero or one apostrophe (\"'\") after each child index number."
invalidDerivedKey: "HD node derivation error: an astronomically rare HMAC-SHA512 result produced an invalid Secp256k1 key."
invalidPrivateDerivationPrefix: "HD node derivation error: private derivation paths must begin with \"m\"."
invalidPublicDerivationPrefix: "HD node derivation error: public derivation paths must begin with \"M\"."
invalidRelativeDerivationPath: "HD node derivation error: invalid relative derivation path; path must contain only positive child index numbers, separated by forward slashes (\"/\"), with zero or one apostrophe (\"'\") after each child index number."
requiresZeroDepthNode: "HD node derivation error: absolute derivation requires an HD node with a depth of 0."

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